Experienced Dentist in Buffalo Filling Cavities
How are cavities filled?
Fillings vary according to the size of the cavity. If you have a large cavity, we will administer local anesthesia, drill out the cavity, place a dentine bonding agent in the space, insert the white filling, and harden the filling with light. This procedure is typically smooth and simple. The cost of a filling depends on how many surfaces of the tooth it covers. Generally, the cost ranges from $100 to $200.
Most fillings are made now from composite, synthetic resin. There are many companies that manufacture this material, and due to its popularity, cost efficiency, and versatility, we use composite resin as a filling material in all our dental procedures. There has been much debate about the safety and usefulness of mercury amalgam fillings, another trendy option. There is no scientific consensus on the matter, but nevertheless, our office has not used amalgam mercury filling in over 10 years.
How long do fillings last?
Fillings will last for quite some time. The material used in fillings is strong and once it has been bonded to a tooth, the filling will remain in place for years. The exact length of time that a filling will last depends mostly on its location on the tooth. If the filling is at the gum line or the very edge of a tooth, it might not last as long as it would if it were on a flat surface.
Will I be in pain after a filling?
Once a filling is done, there is usually no pain. If the cavity was deep and near a nerve, there is a chance that the nerve could react, and you may have pain afterwards. If the pain persists, you should notify your dentist as soon as you can.
What are the types of fillings?
An indirect filling is when a dentist takes an impression of a tooth, the filling is cast, and the filling is then cemented into the tooth. There are temporary fillings, but “temporary” is the operative word. These fillings are recommended only for when you are waiting on a more permanent option to be installed at a later point.
Are you suffering from a cavity? Contact the dental practice of Dr. Samantha Smith to schedule a consultation. She has over 25 years of experience in dentistry and prides herself on providing affordable dental care in a professional environment utilizing the latest in dental technology.