The Advantages of Implant Retained Dentures
Recently, patients have been asking about implant dentures. The advantage of implant dentures is that they are almost as close as you can get to having your own teeth again. People who have traditional dentures often experience issues with looseness, difficulty chewing, or diminished taste because the dentures cover the entire mouth.
With implants, you can choose implant dentures or implant bridges, which provide a more stable and comfortable solution that doesn’t come out. They are much more stable, easier to chew with, and almost feel like having your natural teeth back again.
So there is a significant advantage. The downside is that they are more expensive than regular dentures. If you’re interested, please call our office at 31 Maple Road, and we’ll be happy to provide you with a free consultation.
Are you looking to have your oral health reviewed by an experienced Dentist in Buffalo NY? Contact the dental practice of Dr. Samantha Smith to schedule a consultation. She has over 25 years of experience in dentistry and prides herself on providing affordable dental care in a professional environment utilizing the latest in dental technology.