Dental Caps

Do you struggle with damaged or broken teeth? Are you having issues of both aesthetic deformities and functional pain when you complete typical daily activities such as eating or drinking? If this sounds like you or someone you know, consider learning more about dental cap.

These can assist pain and appearance by creating a layer between the damaged tooth and its surrounding oral cavity. In order to feel your best and as confident as you can be, talking to your dentist about your oral condition is a great solution. They can help you determine if you are eligible for treatments such as the use of dental caps. Not familiar with what a dental cap is? Let’s take a look.

What is a Dental Cap?

Otherwise known as a dental crown, dental caps help provide vital stability to your tooth when in a more sensitive state. This is one of the more common procedures involved in dentistry because of its ability to help in many different situations. A dental cap is an artificial, hollow tooth that fits directly on top of the damaged tooth.

They are permanent and cemented into place with use of a resin-like substance directly on the original tooth itself. This is why they are called “crowns” or “caps”, because they are worn on the exposed section of tooth. Most of the time, dental caps are made of porcelain to ensure color match and strength. There are many situations in which a dental cap will be used, therefore it is important to recognize aspects of these in your oral situation to help yourself determine if you may benefit from receiving one.

When Dental Caps are Used

There are plenty of reasons in which a dentist may recommend you opt for a dental cap. One situation where it may be beneficial is if you have weak, cracked, or broken teeth. If these are the cases, a cap can assist in the ability to gain a stronger tooth. This way, you won’t have to be fearful of doing damage when completing daily tasks.

Additionally, when your teeth are cracked or broken, exposed dentin and nerve endings could lead to severe sensitivity and pain. Putting a cap on the tooth can ensure that this pain will not occur. Another reason that you may benefit from a dental cap is when your tooth is aesthetically misshaped.

Putting a crown on it can improve how it looks and therefore increase your self-confidence. If you feel like you may have a condition that would benefit from a dental crown, speak to your dentist to discuss your options.

Process of Placement

When you’re beginning to consider receiving a dental crown, it is important to consider the process involved in its placement. Your dentist will give you a local anesthetic to numb the area, followed by the drilling of the outer surface of the tooth. This makes space for the dental crown and ensures there is a fractioned surface available for the crown to stick on. They will then make a mold of the tooth or use a digital scanner and send it to a dental laboratory to shape the crown to your exact specifications.

Typically, you’ll need to wait a few weeks for the crown to return when you’ll have a second appointment. Here, the affixation process will occur where the dentist will properly place the crown with cement. The whole process should take a few weeks altogether.

Visit the Dentist Today

If you believe you may qualify for a dental cap and are struggling with how your natural tooth looks and feels, it is important to contact a dentist as soon as possible. Waiting with a damaged tooth can lead to more issues in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about dental caps or the process of installation, your dentist can help.

If you or a loved one is interested in dental caps to help improve the look and feel of your teeth, contact Queen City Family Dentistry today for a free consultation to discuss options.

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