Quitting Chewing Tobacco

Quitting Chewing Tobacco

Have you been thinking about quitting chewing tobacco in hopes that it will save your dental health? The good news is that if you successfully quit, you are going to see some restoration in your smile. Following up with your dentist along the way will make for this transition to good health much smoother. Here is what you should know if you want to quit for good this time.

Quitting Chewing Tobacco | The Consequences

Chewing tobacco is an addiction. It makes quitting all that much more difficult. You should be aware of how it is affecting your health. Every time you pack that tobacco in your mouth, you should think about how it can affect you. Here are just some of the possible consequences of continuing to use chewing tobacco.

  • cancer of the mouth
  • foul breath
  • erosion of the teeth
  • mouth sores
  • tooth loss

Quitting Chewing Tobacco | Preparation and Tips

A great way to deal with the temptation you are going to experience is with foods that keep your hands, mouth, and mind busy. You may even pick up a health eating habit along the way if you keep on yourself. Here are some foods you should stock up on before the day you quit:

  • jerky
  • sunflower seeds
  • carrots
  • pickles

All of these foods will keep your mouth busy and for some people it will calm their urge to dip.

Before you throw away all of your chewing tobacco, you should spend a day or two taking note of every time you dip, why you’re doing it, where you are, etc. This way you may be able to find a pattern and recognize times or situations where you feel the urge to dip. Having this awareness can really aid in the process of quitting. You will know that, for instance, when you are stressed out, you should grab a bag of sunflower seeds.

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Letting everyone in your life know that you will be quitting chewing tobacco is a great way to make yourself accountable. If you tell family, friends, and coworkers about this, you will not only have a support system, but you may find that they have gone through the same thing and have some great advice to pass along.

Exercising is another excellent way to curb your addiction. Sweating out the toxins is one benefit as well as using it as a way to cope with the urge to dip. Overall this is a health habit to pick up on your journey to quitting chewing tobacco.

Quitting Chewing Tobacco | OTC Medications to Help

If you are having a hard time, that is completely normal. Here are three over-the-counter medications that you can use to aid the quitting process.

  • Nicotine gum
  • Nicotine patch
  • Nicotine lozenges

If you would like to begin the process of quitting chewing tobacco, a great person to have on your support team is an experienced dentist. Queen City Family Dentistry proudly serves patients from Amherst, Williamsville, Clarence, and Western New York. He provides excellent restorative dentistry, using modern technology and masterful skills in a thoughtful manner. Call today to get a free consultation.

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