Amherst Dentist Providing Affordable Teeth Bonding in Buffalo, NY
Unfortunately, not everyone is born with a perfect smile. Whether it is due to general wear and tear that our teeth have gone through over the years or personal genetics, sometimes we want to improve our appearance without having to undergo a major surgical procedure. This is where teeth bonding can help! At Queen City Family Dentistry, we help patients throughout Buffalo and Western New York improve their appearance and achieve the smile of their dreams with cosmetic bonding.
Teeth bonding, also known as dental bonding, can help repair and reshape broken, chipped, and gapped teeth. Dental bonding is recommended for patients who are trying to restore teeth that are cracked, chipped, misaligned, broken, or to fill unsightly gaps between teeth. Many tooth defects can be repaired with tooth bonding including closing gaps, concealing stains, fixing cracks and fractures, and even treating sensitive teeth.
The bonding process is very simple and effective, only requiring a single office visit in most cases. It is one of the least invasive procedures at our office. The nice thing is, we will match the resin to your exact desired shade and color so that no one will even know you had dental bonding performed. Also, after we complete the procedure, you can go about your day speaking and eating just like normal. The entire bonding procedure typically takes about one hour or less from start to finish.
Some insurance companies will cover part, most or all of the teeth bonding procedure, especially when being performed for reconstructive reasons rather than cosmetic. If you are unsure of your insurance coverage and want to know if dental bonding is covered, contact us today and we would love to help you get the answers you need to make an informed decision about your oral health.
Who Are The Best Candidates for Teeth Bonding?
Since almost everyone will have at least some form of cosmetic issue with their teeth throughout their lives, cosmetic bonding can help almost anyone. The only requirement for dental bonding is that your underlying teeth must be healthy for us to perform the procedure. If you have issues such as decay, severely cracked teeth, or serious alignment problems that are causing malocclusion (bad bite issues), dental bonding may not be right for you. Also, if you are planning on getting your teeth whitened soon, we recommend you complete that process first so we can ensure we match the color of the resin to your new pearly whites.
Schedule Your Consultation Today!
Want to find out if you’re a good candidate for cosmetic bonding? Book a consultation so we can provide you with various treatment options that work with your budget and desired outcome.